Adult Swim LessonsMan Swimming

Health Unlimited offers two types of adult swim lessons:

Our Beginner Swimming for Adults program is for adults that have none or limited swimming experience. This class is also ideal for any adult who has a fear of the water.

For those adults that are comfortable in the water and want to increase there current swimming ability “Back to Basics” is the perfect class.

Back to Basics Swimming for Adults

These classes are designed for participants who have basic knowledge of strokes, are not afraid of the water and can swim a length of freestyle and backstroke.

Participants have had limited or no instruction in swimming, and must be 17yrs & older.


Sundays, 1:30pm – 2:25pm

April 13th – June 8th
No Class: Easter – April 20th, Mother’s Day – May 11th or Memorial Day – May 25th

Cost: Members-$79 / Non-Members – $129

Beginning Swimming for Adults

These classes are designed for participants who have NO knowledge of strokes, are afraid of the water and cannot float, or cannot swim a length of the pool. Participants have had no instruction in swimming. You will learn to float, kick, breathing techniques and arm movement for basic freestyle and backstroke. Participants must be 17years & older.


Sundays, 2:30pm – 3:25pm

April 13th – June 8th
No Class: Easter – April 20th, Mother’s Day – May 11th or Memorial Day – May 25th

Cost: Members-$79 / Non-Members – $129

Member Registration: mONDAY, mARCH 10TH  

Non-Member Registration: mONDAY, mARCH 17TH   

Registration begins at 8am at Health Unlimited or online at

For Nonmembers

You can go to to create these profiles now so you can save time on the morning of registration.

For HU Members

HU members will already have a profile in the new app, under the e-mail address we have on file. Click Access My Account and enter your first and last name and e-mail. If you are unsure what e-mail address, or name, we have for you, give us a call at 301-829-9730. These must match to access the pre-existing profile.

If your children are NOT a part of your HU membership, you can go on your profile now (at, create a profile for your kids and link them to you. Again, this will save you time the morning of registration.